Features Your Business Should Be Using On Gmail




Most people choose Gmail as their number one choice when it comes to sending and receiving emails. This is consistent for everybody; from individuals using the email platform for personal use to businesses who utilize it for corporate purposes and marketing techniques. 

If you use Gmail then read on to discover eight of Google’s most experimental email features you should definitely be making use of…

1. Unread Count Icon

This feature has been long overdue but it is finally here. The unread icon allows you to see how many unread emails you have by merely looking at the tab. You don’t need to click on the tab and physically look at your email account like you once had to. 


2. Apps Search

When you search for something on Gmail at present you will be met with the results from your email box. By using app search you will also get results from Google Docs and Google Sites too. 


3. Sender Time Zone

This feature is a god sent – especially for those who deal with international clients on a frequent basis. It will inform you of the current time zone in the area whereby the individual sending is situated. 


4. SmartLabels

SmartLabels provide people with a great way of ensuring their email account is efficient and productivity is enhanced. You can organize your email account so that common messages are grouped via a color-coded system. Google will automatically detect what type of email you have received and put them in the right grouping. For instance, you can have a category for notifications, one for Twitter updates, one for forum messages, one for bulk mail, and so on and so forth. 


5. POP Accounts 

This feature is extremely beneficial as it allows your business to consolidate various email addresses as one. This essentially means that you have one big email inbox for all of your addresses. This is a lot more convenient.


6. Auto-Advance

This feature is especially beneficial for those who are dealing with a large volume of emails on a daily basis. How frustrating is it when you go through your emails and as soon as you delete one you are taken back to the most recent email? The auto-advance feature allows you to change the preferences of this so that you can determine what happens after you have deleted something or replied to a message for example. This enhances productivity dramatically. 


7. Google Video Chat Enhancements 

This one doesn’t need much explaining; it is pretty self-explanatory from the name. This video chat feature allows another form of communication. The enhancements made as of late allow better picture and alike through the use of higher resolutions. You will need to a good internet connection in order to truly reap the gains of this. 


8. Nested Labels

Better your Google email organization even further with Nested Labels. This allows you to generate a hierarchy of labels – or in other words sub-tabs. For instance, you could have a section for work emails and this could be split into the likes of ‘customer queries’, ‘management’, and ‘tasks’. You may want a tab just for virtual payments so you can manage your accounts.

These eight features are extremely useful and if you use Gmail then this allows you to make the most of your email platform.



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