5 Email Marketing Automation Tips For Success In 2019

If you are in the field of digital marketing (or even if you are not) you might be aware of the fact that everything in the digital space is constantly changing and updating. As more and more data is generated and collected, the way which people market their products is seeing tremendous alterations. Looking at the changing trends in digital marketing, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to assume that email marketing is going to be one of the most efficient and successful ways for providing better customer engagement and generating more revenue for the company.

Here are 5 Email Marketing Automation Tips for Success In 2019.

Using predictive automation based on user choices

These days, a large amount of data is collected by various tech organizations. As a result, the use of personalized automated emails is exploding. However, with advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, the emails are more about what the users want to buy next and less about what they have already experienced on the web. For example, if you have lately been browsing a lot about universities for further studies, advertisements related to universities would seem more relevant and make more sense. If presented in an appropriate way, receiving predictive emails is not really that creepy.

After all, customers received tens of emails daily. If anything generic is sent to people, there are dense chances that it might not even get opened. Sending untargeted emails to users without classifying them based on preferences or behaviours would most often won’t give the desired results.


Ensure that the content you share is authentic

Whenever you receive an automated email, most of the times it seems like the company is glorifying itself or its products. A lot of e-commerce websites send emails with incredibly low prices that not only seem astonishing but also fake (most of the times they charge hefty delivery charges making effective cost of the product more than the what their competitors offer). As a result, these days, authenticity grabs the attention of people more than huge discounts.

Though it is not possible for an organization to customize each and every email it sends, even automated emails can be given a personal touch which will help in connecting emotionally with the users. You can tell your subscribers a brand story, customer experiences or how things function within your company and what is your brand up to. Storytelling helps you exemplify how your product works in real-life scenarios and value it brings to its customers.

One great way to increase the genuineness of your brand is by sending a small note from an important person(such as CEO) of your company. This gives people a sense of feeling that even the top officers of the company care about the people they do business with.

For example, see this email from MasterClass. Celebrating milestones with people is a great way of connecting emotionally with the customers and appreciating them for their support.



  1. Text-intensive and interactive emails against detailed graphics

The way companies draft and design the emails they send would see a major change in 2019. In the past, the emails used to be filled with graphics often displaying various products and services a company has to offer. However, instead of sending promotional and sales oriented content filled with images, this year, you can opt for plain-text and interactive emails. This shift will work due to wide acceptance of automated emails for marketing by a number of advertisers.

Plain-text emails have two major advantages over vividly graphical content. One, the time that is taken to load them is significantly lesser. This increases the probability of people seeing them tremendously even when the data connection is poor. Secondly, they resemble personal messages sent by a relative or a friend. In other words, plain-text emails seem more genial and less sales-oriented.

Apart from emails being text-intensive, marketers are also setting a trend to make them interactive. In order to promote engagement with audiences, marketers try to incorporate quizzes, polls, surveys, games, call to action messages, etc. to make emails interactive.

Though you might think that graphical content attracts people more than plain-text, which to some extent might seem true too. However, with a plethora of such emails in the inbox, users may feel bombarded with advertisements. Under such circumstances, an email that seems more like a personal message would be favoured by the audiences more.

  1. Making emails mobile friendly

With the number of smartphone users increasing day by day, it is highly essential to optimize emails for mobile devices. According to stats pertaining to email marketing, around 53% of the emails are open via mobile devices and of these, around 23% of the emails are viewed again later. In February 2016, Google announced that Gmail is used by over 1 billion people around the world. Of these, around 75% of the people use them on mobile devices.

From these stats, it is clear that optimization of emails for mobile devices is highly essential as more emails are viewed on phones than that of computer devices.


  1. Unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence

These days, companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) not only make emails more personal but also for coming up with awesome subject lines, predicting how a potential lead will interact with the email as well as predicting when a subscriber might choose to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Use of AI for automated marketing is increasing day by day it is predicted that the global email market will account for $2.29 billion by 2025.

Recently, Adobe developed a series of algorithms to predict audience behaviours based on data from various research campaigns. Adobe found out that people users open around 80% of all the work emails and around 60% of personal emails. They also discovered that customers like when they are contacted via email.

Artificial Intelligence could turn out be a major factor for success of automated email marketing as it can be used to determine optimal offers for each user, creating sequence of emails that will be sent to the customers, etc based on the history of user’s interaction with the platform, their interest in various product categories, socio-demographic characteristics and degree of sensitivity to discounts, etc.

To develop an effective email marketing strategy, you can use the above mentioned tips. Along with these, you may also consider seeing what is working and what isn’t for your organization and maximize your revenue.



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