Creating LongLasting Relationships with Your Clients

Any business guru will tell you that although new customers are great, the gold is in existing customers. When you can get them to become repeat buyers, you have guaranteed business you can use to grow your company. However, it isn’t always easy to develop relationships with customers that are long-term. If you think about it like any other relationship, you may take a better approach to nurture such relationships. Below are tips on creating longlasting relationships with your clients.

Add Value

You’ve likely heard this a million times over, but if you want to create longlasting relationships, you’ve got to add value. There are numerous ways that you could do this but see two in particular below.

Content: Most people have burning questions that they need answers to or are looking for valuable information. As a brand, you should be able to create, such whether through a blog, videos, or white papers. Not only do you add value to the customer by doing so, but you also position yourself as an authority in the process.

Problem Solving: You should be able to solve your customer’s problems, and when you do, this makes you valuable. People are bombarded with so much information and brands in a day, so you want to be one they look forward to hearing from.

Be Social

When was the last time you sent a customer or client a ‘just because’ message just to find out how they are? It is often these seemingly trivial things that create customer loyalty as they feel cared for and not like another dollar sign. You could do this through emails or phone calls to check how they are enjoying your products or services. Another great way to interact with them is via social media interactions.

If you would rather outsource your digital marketing, try looking for a marketing agency Bristol way to help you build the social aspect of your brand. What you invest into your business is typically what you’ll get out of it.

Take Feedback Seriously

Feedback is one of those things that you can easily have tons of but not put to good use. Make it a habit to implement immediate changes and keep your customers or clients up to date with the specific changes that you’ve made. You can gather feedback via email or through surveys that are attached to an incentive. You want customers to be as honest as possible so that you can make changes that will make a difference. By valuing their opinions, you should find you have a long-term customer in them.

Show Appreciation

Being able to show your customers you genuinely believe in them could help make them feel good. When a customer feels appreciated, they are more likely to talk about their experience and share it as well.

Customer Spotlight: Creating a customer spotlight or choosing a special customer every month should help the loyal ones feel special. These spotlights can be put on your website or via social media.

Exclusive Discounts: For customers who have been with you for some time, offer them
exclusive discounts. It could be a one-time offer or an ongoing discount when they send
a certain amount. Sending corporate or branded gifts may be a good idea too.


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