Making Improvements to Your Production Line: A Short Guide

As a startup in the production and manufacturing industries, you’ll be learning the ropes as quickly as you can, ascending a steep learning curve to stamp out any inefficiencies in your operations. You should always let yourself off, in the first months and years, for not having the most optimal production set-up. Nevertheless, you mustn’t neglect is the process will eventually get you to full efficiency. This article will help you consult and review your systems in order to make key improvements on your production line.

Review and Audit

In order to remain abreast of your inputs and outputs, it’s important to maintain a regular audit and review schedule that allows your company to reflect on how well you’re reducing inefficiencies in your system. Without these data points, you’ll be working blind, unable to see where and how to improve. Assign a well-rounded individual to conduct these tests and enable your board or managers to make key decisions – and set key targets – between these reviews, you’ll slowly erase any friction you have along your line.

Automation and Training

You have two routes with production and manufacturing in the modern era: one is to work towards full automation, and the other is to place key and highly-trained personnel onto the production line in order to make sure the quality of your products is always at the highest level. Many companies choose a hybrid of these options. As such, they train and retrain their employees to be most effective on the line, while investing in better technology – whether that’s in research and development in-house, or through outsourcing – so their line runs as smoothly as possible.

Equipment and Hardware

The other end of the automation spectrum is the physical hardware along which your products flow. It’s here that you should consider clearly your objectives in the medium-term and the long-term. Ultimately, you want a working line that’s easy to repair and durable for years of constant processing. Look to the professional business provisions from to find your perfect conveyor belts to fit for the long term, and use other companies to fit the kind of equipment that your line needs to flourish week after week, year after year.

Key Choke Points

There will always be choke points in your production line – places where you will more often experience delays. These logjams delay your orders and deliveries, which can in turn infuriate customers and leave your sales and customer services teams bemused and angry. Your duty, when looking over your line, is to place focus on the ways in which your production can get delayed, and to find remedies to these situations. With time, you’ll be able to iron out any of these choke points, returning to your regular audit to find fewer significant obstacles in your way to achieving 100% efficiency, or as close to it as you can possible get.

There you have it: a short guide to production line improvements in 2020.


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