What You Should Never Do If You Want A Fulfilling Career

Career advice is all over the place and most often than not, it’s hard to know what advice to follow and what to discard. As a matter of fact, everyone will give you advice, even when you don’t ask but you need to set your priorities right or you will not be happy with your career. In this article, learn what advice to stay away from as you make your career choice to avoid career changes in the future or regrets.

Settle For What You Get

Mediocre is certainly not as good as it gets and you should not settle for any less that you want or deserve, People will try to convince you that you should appreciate what you have, even when it’s just okay but not great. It’s when you don’t settle for nothing but greatness that you actually achieve that greatness. Settling means that you will be stuck in a position you don’t like and limiting your abilities just because some people are making you feel as if you are not greedy for wanting more.

Take A Job Just For The Salary

Everyone has bills that need to be paid month in month out. However, if you take the job sorely for the money and not the love or excitement of the job, you will simply be operating in scarcity and fear. Most people are scared that they won’t make any money if they chose to do what they love. What they don’t realize is that you can capitalize on almost any idea and reap from it, as long as you work hard at it. As a matter of fact, a lot of people have ended up earning a lot more by pursuing their passion. This is because they offer something unique and they give it their all, which is what you should do as well. Research different career paths on websites like Career Activate so you make the right decision.

Place The Salary and Benefits Over the Actual Work

A great salary that comes with benefits and bonuses sounds incredible. However, these are the icing on the cake and not the cake itself. You will have to work at something you don’t like before you can get your hands on that icing. You could end up losing in the end if you make short-term and not long-term decisions.

Ignoring Your Gut Feelings

The gut is never wrong because instinct is very powerful. When you feel that you are not getting as much as you deserve or that you are not where you want to be, you are probably not. How often do you have these feelings? Depending on your answer, start taking steps towards where you need to be and don’t stop until you get there.

Accepting That You Cannot Get Better Than ‘Good Enough’

If you are content with good enough then you have simply given up, You lack the confidence that it takes to do more and achieve more than you already have. Again, this is about settling and you should not settle for something that does not fulfills you.

If you do all these things then you will never be happy with the career you choose. Ensure that you know what you want and then pursue it with all that you have. Sometimes that is easier said than done because at the end of the month, bills need to be paid. However, with proper planning, you can achieve what you want.


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