Utilitarian vehicles for business in Buenos Aires:

Additional expenses you need to consider

                                   Photo Credit: Sam Wheeler

When it comes to entrepreneurship and startups, Buenos Aires has the right people: self-confident, resourceful, born and raised to overcome crisis and problems. Even in an economically challenging situation, over 15% of the population  is willing to engage in some sort of personal business or investment. The weak local currency has made it very difficult for entrepreneurs to acquire the capital goods they need to perform their activities, so funding is one of the first challenges  a local startup has to face. Business vehicles are an expensive capital expense, and out of the reach of many; however, as stated, the Argentinean people are resourceful and inventive, and often manage to overcome these difficulties and kickstart their activities.

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17 Formas de Financiacion [Infograpfia]

Hoy compartimos una infografía del equipo de Pro Quo Abogados sobre las diferentes fuentes de financiación a las que puede acceder una empresa.

La financiación es un elemento muy importante en la gestión empresarial de cualquier startup.

De hecho, en los últimos años, empresas de enorme crecimiento han necesitado financiación para poder crecer y desarrollar sus productos.

Las empresas pueden necesitar financiación por diferentes razones. Puede ser que necesiten capital para iniciar un proyecto empresarial.

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Starting a Business after Retirement: A Guide

Starting a Business after Retirement: A Guide

When you officially retire, you are suddenly presented with a considerable amount of time to pursue the things you love to do. You can go on holiday at the drop of a hat, play golf, learn to paint, which is all very well and very enjoyable but if you are the kind of person who loves to get stuck into work, then it won’t satisfy you for very long.

Why is retirement the time to start a business venture?

Retirement is the perfect time to start your own business because you will be in a good place financially and have enough time to put in the needed effort to make your venture into whatever industry you choose a successful one.

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Business Tips To Follow in 2019

Business Tips To Follow in 2019

Do you want to kill your online business dead in its tracks?

If so, then you might want to look elsewhere for advice, because this quick guide is about all the things you shouldn’t do if you want your business to flourish. If you’re like most internet-based entrepreneurs, then this is exactly what you want.

The road to success, however, is fraught with some easy-to-make pitfalls that could send you straight on the path to ruin.

There are long lists about what you shouldn’t do, but today we’re going to cover four things that you absolutely should not engage in if you want your business to thrive.

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The Best Ways to Fund Your Startup

The Best Ways to Fund Your Startup

A successful start-up requires money, especially in its first stages. Without the necessary funds to start your business, you will not be able to pursue the venture. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to best fund your start-up, and there are a few tried-and-tested ways.

For starters, your personal credit is a significant factor to consider. As an entrepreneur, you will make your way to the bank for a loan, and if you are in debt or do not have a good line of credit, you will not receive the necessary funds. Furthermore, you need to think long and hard about what your business idea is and what its purpose is, learn how to attract investors, or even try your luck at crowdfunding. The next two examples could include either getting more clients or applying for a business grant. All of the aforementioned will be explained in greater detail below.

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A beginner’s guide to Business Continuity

 A beginner’s guide to Business Continuity

Business continuity is a concept that every business owner will come across in one or more forms at some point in their business.

It isn’t exactly a new concept but at the rate that business and technology is expanding, there is so much more to take into consideration than there was even 10 years ago.

Business continuity and data recovery has changed from something that only large corporations should do to something that is easily accessible to business owners from all walks of life.

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8 Ways to Use Excel in Your Business

8 Ways to Use Excel in Your Business


Online Excel Training

If you’re a savvy business owner, you know that investing in the right skills is the way to move your business forward –but it’s hard to know which skills are worth learning versus which are best outsourced to another person.

Learning how to use Excel is one of those skills business owners are better off knowing –with the right online Excel training, you can take advantage of the tool’s robust features.

Learning Excel will help you figure out what you’re looking for when hiring, too.

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Tres anuncios para una Argentina mejor conectada

                        Tres anuncios para una Argentina mejor conectada

El martes el Gobierno presentó los avances del Plan Nacional de Conectividad, que muestran el enorme progreso de estos años en materia de conexión a Internet en la Argentina.

En diciembre de 2015, el país estaba poco conectado, con baja velocidad de banda ancha y poca penetración de fibra óptica e Internet móvil. El objetivo fue conectar más localidades, mejorar la velocidad y la cobertura y bajar los precios.

Desde entonces, las conexiones a Internet fija aumentaron en un 20%, la velocidad promedio de banda ancha pasó de 4,5 megabits por segundo a 14, el despliegue de 4G pasó de cubrir al 10% de la población al 58% y la red de fibra óptica de ARSAT pasó de tener 6.500 kilómetros en funcionamiento y conectar 17 localidades a 30.000 kilómetros y 550 localidades.

Estos objetivos se están alcanzando gracias a una dinámica inteligente en la que la inversión en infraestructura es liderada por el sector privado y el Estado actúa en aquellos lugares a los que el mercado no llega.

Para profundizar estos avances y acercarnos más al objetivo de erradicar la brecha digital, el plan incorpora nuevas medidas que van a potenciar el desarrollo de infraestructura. Algunas de ellas:

  1. Baja del precio mayorista de internet que comercializa ARSAT. El monto pasará de 14 dólares a 10 dólares por mega. La baja beneficiará a pequeños operadores de las más de 500 localidades por donde pasa el Plan Federal de Internet, y que a fines de 2019 serán 1300.
  2. Líneas de crédito y aportes por $2.400 millones para desarrollar infraestructura. Las líneas incluyen aportes no reembolsables financiados con el Fondo de Servicio Universal (que se compone con el 1% de los ingresos de los prestadores de servicios de telecomunicaciones), préstamos a bancos públicos con una tasa subsidiada destinados a financiar redes de última milla (que llevan el servicio desde el cable de ARSAT a los hogares), préstamos ya acordados con el BICE y una línea ajustable por UVA del Banco Nación.
  3. Cobertura 4G. Un nuevo cronograma de despliegue 4G para que el 93% de la población esté conectada a internet móvil para final del 2019. Esto incluye el despliegue en 1.713 ciudades de más de 10.000 habitantes, a lo largo de 10.000 kilómetros de rutas y en 200 pequeñas localidades turísticas y productivas que hoy no cuentan con internet móvil de calidad.

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Jacob Gottlieb’s Decisions on Visium

Jacob Gottlieb’s Decisions on Visium

Jacob Gottlieb is the pioneer of the asset management firm. The company had experienced a positive growth rate until allegations were made against its trading practices. Some of the critics argued that some of the managers engaged in insider trading. This is a serious allegation and has been one of the main reasons for the shutdown of many firms around the globe. Organizations are expected to adhere to set ethical standards in their operations. The value of a company’s stocks is highly influenced by its activities. Any changes or decisions affecting the firm affect the value of the stocks. Therefore, the management and other senior officials of a company have the upper hand when it comes to the stock trading as they have access to confidential information that is not revealed to the members of the public. Insider trading is an illegal practice and is prosecutable in a court of law.

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6 Benefits of Using Chatbots on Your Website

6 Benefits of Using Chatbots on Your Website

A company like Kayako can help you out a lot by providing you with an excellent ticket system that includes a number of chatbots. However, at this point you might be wondering whether using chatbots would even have any benefits associated with it. The answer is a resounding yes. In order to set your mind at ease, provided below are some important benefits that you can attain if you use chatbots.

#1 Constant Availability

Your CSRs are, at the end of the day, human beings that are going to need breaks every now and again. While it is true that you can organize shifts in such a way that someone or the other is working at all times, making people work late at night is rather unnecessary and it can seriously impact their quality of life overall. You can take care of this and give people much better shifts if you just start allowing them to use chatbots to decrease their workload as much as possible. Chatbots don’t need sleep so they are going to be constantly available.

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